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About the NMI Superfund Site
The Remedial Design and Remedial Action for the Nuclear Metals, Inc. Superfund Site, performed by de maximis, inc. on behalf of the Settling Defendants of the Consent Decree, Civil Action No. 19-12097-RGS, will follow the remedy outlined in USEPA’s Record of Decision, September 2015.The Remedial Action Components include: Sites-wide Soils & Sediment Remediation, including excavation and off-site disposal of contaminated sediments, underground drain lines and debris, and non-Holding Basin (HB) soils; In-Situ Sequestration of depleted uranium (DU) in the HB soils and of DU and natural uranium in overburden and bedrock groundwater; Containment of Holding Basin stabilized soils with a low-permeability vertical wall and horizontal subgrade cover; Ex-situ Groundwater treatment of VOCs and 1,4-dioxane in groundwater (already initiated under the Groundwater NTCRA); and,1,4-dioxane and VOCs in Bedrock Groundwater. The Remedy also includes long-term monitoring to monitor effectiveness of both in- and ex-situ treatment and Institutional Controls.